
Market Update | Q1 2024

April 11, 2024

Hello and welcome to the first quarterly market update of 2024!

As we navigate through the ever-changing landscape of the financial markets, it's crucial to stay informed and adapt our strategies accordingly. In this update, I'll provide a comprehensive overview of the key developments that shaped the markets in the first quarter, and what they might mean for us going forward.

Personal Update from Fabio

On a personal front, the year has commenced with a continued commitment to my studies. This ongoing educational journey is not merely for personal enrichment, but it's also a cornerstone in bolstering the quality of service I offer to my clients. By expanding my knowledge base, I am better equipped to provide insightful investment strategies and more informed consultations, ultimately benefiting those I serve.

I've expanded my business with the addition of Gabi van Niekerk to our team. Many of you may have already had the pleasure of interacting with her. Gabi has come on board to assist with administrative tasks and client communication, ensuring that our operations run smoothly and efficiently. She's also been instrumental in enhancing my online presence, particularly through my website and Instagram page. With Gabi's support, my aim is to provide you with valuable insights and engage more effectively with our audience. Keep an eye out for more updates and financial tips!

As always, I'm here to assist you with your financial planning and investment needs. Let's make 2024 a prosperous year together!

Global Overview

The first quarter of 2024 has been a roller coaster for global markets, with investor sentiment swinging between optimism and pessimism. MSCI's global share index surged 10% since mid-January, as traders adjusted their expectations for US rate cuts, now anticipated to begin in June. Central banks around the world, including Switzerland and potentially the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, are poised for rate cuts, although caution is advised as economic growth might prompt a pause in easing.

Equity Markets

The equity rally was broad-based, with Japanese stocks surpassing their 1989 bubble-era high, and Wall Street's S&P 500 and Europe's STOXX 600 nearing record levels. Emerging market bonds, particularly from Argentina, Pakistan, Ukraine, and Egypt, saw significant gains due to a combination of factors including US rate cut hopes and international financial support. However, China remained an exception, with its industrial growth engine sputtering.

Bond Markets

Global government bond markets experienced a rally, with a notable buy-everything frenzy in March. This frenzy was fueled by the anticipation of central bank rate cuts and improving economic indicators. However, the bond market's enthusiasm was tempered by the realization that rate cuts might not be as imminent as previously thought.

Commodities and Currencies

Cocoa futures reached record highs due to supply shortages, while Brent crude oil climbed 13% over the quarter, driven by an upward revision in global growth forecasts. The US dollar strengthened, ending the quarter up almost 3%, creating challenges for both major and developing economies.

Key Market Factors for 2024

Looking ahead, investors should remain vigilant as the landscape is filled with uncertainties. The ongoing conflict in Gaza, upcoming elections in South Africa and the US, and the evolving narrative around interest rate cuts will continue to shape market dynamics. The potential for increased market volatility, especially in currency markets, is high due to these geopolitical and economic factors.

Investment Outlook

Investors are advised to maintain a cautiously optimistic approach to asset allocation. While the temptation to increase exposure to growth assets is understandable, given the dovish turn of central bankers, it's essential to remain alert to any inflationary surprises that could alter the interest rate trajectory. A balanced approach, considering the risks of a potential US recession and the impact of artificial intelligence on various sectors, will be crucial in navigating the uncertain market environment ahead.

In conclusion, the first quarter of 2024 has presented a dynamic global financial landscape, marked by shifts in central bank policies and geopolitical influences on markets. As we move forward, staying alert and adaptable will be key to navigating potential volatility and uncertainties. I'm here to assist with any queries or to discuss how these changes may impact your financial strategy. Let's work together to ensure your investments are well-positioned for success in the coming year.

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